Wednesday, 9 January 2013

It's hard being a fan of Arsenal

Gimli takes the chair and is joined by Ray, Danny, GC and new boy and blogger Jamrockrover, his site is on our blogroll and oh yeah Steve. Pickng up where we left off in 2012, another moan about tickets, player wish lists and some twitter questions answered. Contains strong language.


  1. Enjoyed the pod-cast again but can the team look into the acoustics, my good friend aka 'Ray' could only just be heard, and that's a first.


  2. I was just about to comment the exact same thing. Good content but needs some editing work or mic technique. Ray had good points but sounded like he was talking from the other end of a warehouse. Really glad I found this podcast, excellent. Echoes the thoughts of a lot of AFC fans especially regarding Accountability. Wenger had no accountability and it seems neither do the players (confirmed by Traore telling people that nobody told him when he made a mistake or how to improve). Wenger's socialist pay policy is really gonna hurt us. With no decent second 11 we cannot rotate, and with no rotation we'll get injuries. With Chelsea, Swansea and ManC coming up I am not optimistic and I suspect an injury or two will come out of it. As the LeGrove blog said is a new signing gonna change anything if the tactics and overall weaknesses and flaws not addressed?

